The 72nd Regular Reporting Counter of GLS has chosen the Management and Management Board of the Culture Organization

The 72nd Regular Reporting Counter of GLS has chosen the Management and Management Board of the Culture Organization

The 72nd Regular Reporting Summit of the BLS re-voted Dr. Ivan Madjarov and supported him for a second consecutive 3-year mandate. Dr. Madjarov stood at the head of the professional organization with the support of 324 votes. Dr. Madjarov's candidacy was raised by Sofia College, RLK Plovdiv and RLK St. Zagora. Other proposals for Chairman of the BLS Management Board did not have.

Five applicants challenged the battle for Deputy Chairpersons of the BLS - Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov, Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev, Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski, Dr. Stoyan Borisov and Assoc. Prof. Kiril Karamfilov. Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov and Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev were elected.

The new Secretary General of the BLS Management Board is Dr. Valentin Peev.

Dr. Vanya Dobreva, Dr. Nikolay Kolev, Dr. Gergana Nikolova, Dr. Valeri Veselinov, Dr. Rosen Aykov, Prof. Stoyan Sopotenski, Dr. Yordan Gechev, D. -R Ivo Parurov, Dr Jeanina Kalinkova, Prof. Milena Staneva, Prof. Ognian Hadjiyski.

Delegates chose chairman of Dr. Metand Kunchev, and the Central Commission for Prof. Maya Argirova.

The council adopted a declaration calling for society to be vaccinated and control state authorities will fully enter into their role and take the necessary measures to prevent illegal practices related to the issuance and use of false certificates of vaccination.

With the declaration you can get acquainted with the attachment.


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