About BMA

BULGARIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION was founded in 1901 and it is the second professional organization of medical doctors established in the world following the British one. Initially, the Association promoted and protected the interests of medical community and set their fees. The first Chairperson of BMA was Dr. Dimitar Mollov. In 1947, the Government ordered the unification of BMA and Medical Workers' Union.

After 1989 transition to democracy, gradual unification of the profession began, 28 independent regional colleges were established. On the 13th of 1990, Bulgarian Medical Association was restored and Prof. Dr. Ivan Kirov was elected Chairperson during the 27th “Re-establishment” Congress. Today, more than 32,000 medical doctors are members of BMA. The Bulgarian Medical Association continues to promote and protect the interests of physicians, which also represent the interest of the whole society.

Management board of BMA

Structure and members of the management board of BMA

Regional Medical College

Районни колегии на БЛС

Control commission

Control Commission - Participates in expert committees at the Ministry of Health and others institutions according to the BMA quota

Central ethics commission

The Central Commission for Professional Ethics of BMA


The first association of doctors in Bulgaria was established in 1880 in Sofia and was named "Physico- medical Society".

BMA statute

Устава урежда устройството, организацията и дейността на БЛС.

Национални лекарски бордове

Newspaper of BMA

Newspaper Quo Vadis >

National edition of the Bulgarian Medical Association

Code Health TV
CME Academy
Credoweb Learning Modul

International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists