BMA is against administrative harassment by the NHIF

BMA is against administrative harassment by the NHIF

Position Management BLAC

BMA opposes the attempts for administrative harassment by the NHIF over medical institutions engaged actively with the treatment of patients with CVID-19 over the past heavy and difficult year and a half. There have been many signals from hospitals across the country for trend, mass checks and requests for reimbursement in pandemic in formal reasons: non-compliant treatment algorithm, reporting patient with antigenic test and not with PCR, etc. .

During the pandemic period, Bulgarian doctors were faced with huge challenges and laid huge efforts, taking care of their patients in terms of tension and obscurity, risking their own lives. They were many times assured that they could and should work calmly that their funding was guaranteed. The BLS recalls that with the occurrence of the epidemic, the financing of medical establishments has become a matter of survival and they received at least 85% of their budgets, regardless of the number of patients treated. Moreover: in no normative document was not a mechanism that would somehow examine the possibility of criminal recovery of these funds.

Against this background, it is legally unjustified and immoral to press medical establishments, whether their Dan in the fight against the pandemic, to ask them to return funds that have been secured for their survival. We are witnessing an attempt to restore sums for a period when colleagues treated and committed primarily for patients with COVID-19.

The formal attitude demonstrating the NHIF to doctors in Bulgaria is not only offensive but also demotivable.

BLS asks: Is this the award for the innocent efforts of Bulgarian medics in the conditions of obscurity and world pandemic? Is this preparation for autumn, which, unfortunately, will hardly be lighter than the past?

Let's not forget that during the expected heavy months we will all again rely on these same medics and medical establishments we have relied on in the past year and a half! And they will continue to follow their vocation and will not retreat from their debt!

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