Academy. Traikov: Bulgaria is perhaps the only country in the EU, which has no Building Organization for PMO

Academy. Traikov: Bulgaria is perhaps the only country in the EU, which has no Building Organization for PMO

Warranty and predictability For the professional development of young physicians are of utmost importance. This was stated during the Powers Summit Rector of MU-Sofia and Chairman of the Association of Medical Universities in Bulgaria Acad. Lachezar Traikov.

He expressed this opinion in the context of a comment on the need for continued medical training ( PMO). "Specialization is the first step in their professional development, but then comes ongoing training" said. Acad. Trajkov pointed out that Bulgaria is perhaps the only country in the EU, which has no MMO building and pointed out that it is ineligible.

"There is a * guarantee and predictability for the professional development of young people. We are, perhaps the only country in Europe, which has no clear system of continuing education, "he said. Specializations and career development are a sick topic related to leaving the country by young medical staff marked the Rector of MS Sofia.

In his words 30% students in Mufi as soon as they leave Bulgaria and another 30% leave it after they take special. He noted that this year the trend is less leaving the country, but added that it must be lasting.

"We believe that the state must intervene to solve the problem with frames in deficient specialties - for example pediatrics, infectious diseases, general and clinical pathology, anesthesiology, even internal diseases. All these specialty are currently on the edge and the state must intervene, "More Acad. Traykov.

He also commented on the theme for the autonomy of medical universities.

ACAD In this regard, as part of the public consultation process, in early December the Association sent a letter to the responsible institutions, explained the academician. He stressed that universities are those who issue and sign diplomas, responsibility is their, and, right, therefore, it is important to be respects their autonomy.

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Source: Medical News Medical News

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