Alexander Language Schools with preferential terms and reductions for doctors

Alexander Language Schools with preferential terms and reductions for doctors

Alexander Language Schools (Alexander) with preferential conditions and discounts for doctors in Bulgaria

[ Alexander Language Schools ] (https://als.bg/) p * Redpend

Any member of a Bulgarian medical union may benefit from preferential prices in the provision of a Membership Membership.

    • The discounts that Alexander Language Schools provides for doctors can be found in attachments below. **

Alexander Language Schools organizes online and attendance for students and / or adults in all municipal centers throughout the country.

* The same trainings may start within 30 days upon request at least 8 students for the same level / language of training.

Centers can be found on the "Alexander Language Schools" site : [ Centers - "Alexander Language Schools" ] (https://als.bg/contacts).

Contact and more information and questions : Alexander Andonov (Director Alexander Language Schools);

Tel : 02 963 55 33, 0896 85659; Email : alexander@als.bg

Address : Sofia, ul. Svopishki prohod 27, fl. 2 (The junction of Bulgaria Blvd and Gotse Delchev Blvd.)

site : [ALS.bg] (https://als.bg/)

Отстъпки за лекари за обучения на деца, ученици и възрастни в Alexander Language Schools
Отстъпки за обучения на групи
Code Health TV
CME Academy
Credoweb Learning Modul

International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists