Annex to R&D 2020-2022 is already a fact

Annex to R&D 2020-2022 is already a fact

At the Ministry of Health the Bulgarian Medical Association, the Supervisory Board of the NHIF, Prof. Petko Salchev- Manager of the NHIF and Prof. Asena Serbezov- Minister of Health, signed the annex to the National Framework Agreement 2020-2022 for medical activities.

30% is the average increase in PIMP and SIMP activities. Higher prices for outpatient care come into force with rear date from 01.01.2022.

"For the first time, outpatient care was derived as a priority and such a serious price increase was agreed. In PIMP price increase is an average of 30%. The increase in both prophylactic examinations and dispensary monitoring of chronically ill patients is essential. The prices for the Capital Payments at GPs have also been increased. The dispensary examination for a patient with one disease is already paid 18 BGN, with two - 20 BGN, and with more - 24 BGN, "reported the deputy. -The Chairman of BMA Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.

In SIMP, 31% is an average increase in the prices of activities including primary and secondary examinations, medical expertise, prophylactic examinations, dispensary monitoring of chronically ill patients, examinations in maternal and child health care. The primary examination of BGN 24 becomes 34 BGN. For examinations of children with a pediatrician - 36.50 BGN from 24.50 at the moment. The price of the secondary examinations is increased from 12 to 13 BGN, for children - to 15 BGN for medical expertise - from 10 BGN to 13.60 BGN.

There is a sensitive growth in the number of studies (volumes). The aim is to meet the needs of the patients and to be given the opportunity to take advantage of more studies. The prices of histological and cytological studies have increased.

In hospital care, the Bulgarian Medical Association achieved the set goal of an average increase in prices for activities of 25%. Thus, some CPs are unchanged in prices, but for others the increase reaches up to 50%. These include pediatric, pulmonary, neurological pathways, intense care. For example, for birth the price increases from 1100 BGN to 1450 BGN. The path for newborns weighing less than 1499 grams from 4 774 BGN is BGN 6 062.

The new prices enter into force from 01.05.2022. For the remaining months to the end of the year, hospitals will also receive increased budgets - approximately 25%.

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