
Dr. Ilieva, Deputy. Governor LDP at

SBALOS "Dr. Marco Antonov Markov - Varna"

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Professor Georgi Kobakov, Ph.D.

Governor of SBALOS

"Dr. Marko Antonov Markov - Varna"

Costa Basitin, Deputy Mayor in Municipality

Varna, RESORD "Health"


BDA Board

Thank you for saving my life! Thank you from my name and on behalf of all my friends, relatives and relatives who supported me all the time! Thank you personally, Dr. Ilieva to you and all staff! Thanks to the doctors, the sisters, the sanitary and technical staff! Thank you for care, professionalism, attention, but especially for the humanity you treat me and the other sick! What so much is missing in our time or rather timeless.

I am impressed much of your staff's work and as a former employer envy you with white envy. I do not know how you have achieved it, but I congratulate you.

I wish all of you and your close a lot of health!

06.03.2022 Hristo Dimitrov

City. Varna

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