BLS: Medical aggression should stop

BLS: Medical aggression should stop

The professional organization is behind his attacked colleagues working in emergency aid - Pernik, and behind all medics from the city's emergency center.

On Tuesday, a man who used alcohol and accepted pills when he was taking his time to emergency medical care, he began to boost. He hits a doctor causing him, and then attacks an ambulance driver to whom the hand breaks.

The professional organization is strongly defined that such aggression over medical persons is inadmissible and terminates all limits of normality.

Bulgarian medical union will refer the Prosecutor's Office for the case on the basis [ the signed cooperation and interaction agreement to prevent and investigate crimes related to the activity of medical care. ] ( -Ministerstvo-na-zdraveopazvaneto-i-prekurata-she-si-satrudnichat-za-ogranichavane-na-nasilieto-nad-medicinski-lica.html)

BLS recalls that on phone [ 02/9 07 07 07 ] (Tel: 02 /% 209% 2007% 2007) Signals for exercised aggression can be submitted over doctors and specialists on health care. They will be immediately transmitted to the Chief Prosecutor, according to the signed agreement between the GLS, MH and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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