BLS expresses condolences to the family, relatives and colleagues of Dr. Radislav Nakov

BLS expresses condolences to the family, relatives and colleagues of Dr. Radislav Nakov

Bulgarian medical union expresses its deep condolences to the family, the colleagues and relatives of Dr. Radislav Nakov - an exceptional man and a doctor committed to patients, medicine and science.

Dr. Nakov was a striking example of a young specialist with a huge desire for professional growth, an example of a sequentially followed way, however, how a young man has to pave his way, regardless of the difficulties faced by life.

The big family of Bulgarian doctors lost too early a wonderful young doctor with a great future in medicine and science, lost a good friend.

Dr. Radislav Nakov graduated from Medical University-Sofia and had acquired specialties gastroenterology and hepatology and health management. He was a gastroenterologist in Sofia, an expert in the irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, inflammatory intestinal diseases.

Dr. Nakov was the chairman of a Bulgarian company in neurogastarology and motility, chairman of the Association of Young Gastroenterologists in Bulgaria. It was also a member of the Governing Board of European Group on Gastroenterology - UEG, a European Society of Neurogastroornology and Mottility - ESNM and the European Association of Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition (EAGEN). He was chairman and the Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria.

Only weeks ago, a team managed by him, developed a Bulgarian project for Gaidline, won the UEG Grant - Union European Gastroenterology.

Over the years, Dr. Nakov, apart from his success in gastroenterology, created and developed the only platform created by doctors for doctors - Medical News, which is a major partner of the BMA in continuing medical training.

This year, Dr. Radislav Nakov was excellent with the president's honorable sign for his scope in medicine.

I mourn for the specialist, the doctor, a man with a big smile.

His bright memory!

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