The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of the Assoc. Alexander Alexiev

The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of the Assoc. Alexander Alexiev

The Bulgarian Medical Union expresses its deep condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the neurologist Assoc. Prof. Alexander Alexiev, MD.

The loss for the whole Bulgarian neurological and academic community is huge!

In 1977-2012, Assoc. Prof. Alexiev was the head of the Laboratory of Electroencephalography, Diagnostics and Treatment Epilepsy and Disorders of Sleep at the Clinic of Neurology of the University Hospital "Alexandrovska" in Sofia.

Assoc. Prof. Alexiev was one of the most prominent epileptologists in Bulgaria, who helped thousands of patients in the fight against this disease.

The worship of the mortal remains of Assoc. Prof. Alexiev will be on Sunday, September 18, at 10 am in the Ritual Hall of Central Cemeteries.

A bow to his memory!

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