The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of Prof. Jordan Todorov

The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of Prof. Jordan Todorov

The Bulgarian Medical Union expresses its deep condolences to the family, loved ones and colleagues of the highly respected doctor and friend - Prof. Dr. Yordan Todorov - one of the emblems of the Medical Oncology Clinic at the University Hospital "Queen Joanna - ISUL".

With great pain and misery, we met the news of the death of our colleague.

Prof. Dr. Jordan Todorov was born on April 7, 1936 in the village of Dolni Lukovit. He graduated from high school in Sofia and then the Medical University in the capital. He has been working on distribution in the village of Mikovitsa for four years. Then for a year and a half he was part of the team of the then Ministry of Health. At the Clinic of Medical Oncology of the University Hospital "Queen Joanna - ISUL" he entered in 1966, with Prof. Mitrov.

"A favorite of patients and extremely respected by his colleagues, he leaves a deep hole in history not only at the Sofia hospital, but also of radiation in Bulgaria as a whole. Today, his numerous students continue his work and develop the ward of radiation and metabolic brachytherapy at the Medical Oncology Clinic of the University Hospital "Queen Joanna - ISUL", say his colleagues at the medical establishment.

The pilgrimage to Prof. Dr. Yordan Todorov will be carried out on July 23, 2022 at 10:30 am in the Mira Miure Complex Ritual Hall.

A deep bow and his bright memory!

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