The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of Prof. Stefan Mandevski

The BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of Prof. Stefan Mandevski

The Bulgarian Medical Union expresses its deep condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the urologist Prof. Stefan Mandevski, an exceptional specialist and teacher.

The loss for the whole Bulgarian urological and academic community is huge. As a doctor and teacher, Prof. Stefan Mandevski left behind a bright mark in medicine. Despite his advanced age until the last moment, he continued to help and train young colleagues, doctors.

Prof. Mandevski graduated from the Medical University of Plovdiv in 1953. He became an assistant at the Military Medical Academy and the head of the Department of Urology Pleven, is an associate professor since 1980, and a professor since 1985. He has practiced in a number of medical establishments in the country, including the University Hospital "St. Georgi "in Plovdiv and" UMBAL-Plovdiv ", where he built a school of excellent specialists.

A bow to his memory!

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