BLS distinguished revernors of the professional organization

BLS distinguished revernors of the professional organization

On the eve of the day of the Bulgarian doctor - 19 October and on the 120th anniversary of the creation of a Bulgarian medical union, the professional organization served seven special awards.

The initiators were awarded, organizing and restoring Bulgarian medical union 31 years ago:

1 . Dr. Ilko Simmerjiv

2 . Dr. Dimitar Ignatov

3 . Prof. Dr. Milan Milanov, Ph.D.

4 . Prof. Dr. Atanas Shterev, Ph.D.

5 . Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hristo Hinkov, Ph.D.

6 . Dr. Trias Muromatis

7 . Dr. Boris Boyadzhiev

The President of the GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov handed specially crafted statuettes and diplomas of the medics, thanks to which the professional organization renewed its activity in 1990.

Tomorrow, the Day of the Bulgarian Doctor - October 19, the prizes of the Bulgarian Medical Association to Medicine shall be awarded. Unfortunately, because of the epidemic setting in the country, there will be no official ceremony, as tradition.

The awarded in the five traditional categories (1 \ "long-term business activity and active contribution to the development of specialty"; 2 . "Contribution for development and application of innovative medicine and unique techniques"; 3 . "You are our future "- Award for Young Medical Hopes of Bulgaria; 4 \

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