Happy 19th October - Day of the Bulgarian Doctor!

Happy 19th October - Day of the Bulgarian Doctor!


It is a huge honor and pleasure to congratulate you on our professional celebration - the day of the Bulgarian doctor - October 19.

Today we respect the memory of St. John Rilski - The Wonderworker devoted himself to the people who healed them out of disclosures, and for that reason he called a heavenly protector of our people, chosen as a patron of Bulgarian doctors.

To help the needy, to be involved in his suffering, to defeat the pain, to give and save a mission. Medicine is not education to be completed, it is a duty and a way of life.

That is why I believe that we all who we have chosen this time, we have done it with the clear consciousness that we give ourselves to the health of people, despite the non-dirty we face. We take on a path that is worth walking because there is no more noble mission than that, even before the centuries of the Dutch Doctor Van Tolp - "letting others burn!".

I want to thank the whole doctor's guild that despite the difficulties, you continue to "holy", you continue to work hard, thank you for choosing for your profession to take care of the life and health of people.

I believe that society appreciates the efforts made and in the future, we will all continue to see in their eyes gratitude for the good thing.


Let St. Ivan Rilski - the miracle worker protects you and keeps, because in these difficult time of a pandemic you are fighting for each patient, giving the best of ourselves!

I wish you health and strength to continue to follow our naming - the noble profession we have chosen! Don't stop donating hope to those who need her. And let the patience and care of people never leave us!


With respect,

Dr. Ivan Madjarov

Chairman of the BLS Management Board

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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists