Happy October 19th-Bulgarian Doctor Day!
It is a great honor and pleasure to congratulate you on our professional holiday - the Day of the Bulgarian Doctor - October 19.
Today we honor the memory of St. John Rilski - a miracle worker who dedicated himself to the people, healed them from disabilities, and for this reason called the heavenly protector of our people, chosen as the patron saint of Bulgarian doctors.
Helping the needy, to be empathetic to his suffering, to defeat pain, to donate and save is a mission. Medicine is not an education that needs to be completed, it is a duty and a way of life.
That is why I believe that all of us who have chosen this time have done it with the clear awareness that we are taking care of the health of human health, despite the adversity we face.
On this day, I want to thank the whole medical guild that despite the difficulties, you continue to defend our profession, you continue to work hard! I want to thank you for the humanity for choosing for your profession the calling to take care of the life and health of people.
I believe that society appreciates the efforts made in the future, all of us will see more and more in their eyes a thank you for the good.
Let St. Ivan Rilski - the Wonderworker to protect and protect you!
May the success accompany you in every crush, the hope of giving you courage, and faith always within yourself in order to continue to fight the challenges of life.
I wish you health and strength! Be confident and bold in your daily work, wise in the decisions you make. Do not stop giving hope to those who need it! And let's patience and care for people never leave us!
Happy holiday!
With respect,
Dr. Ivan Madjarov
Chairman of the Board of BLS
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Български лекарски съюз рестартира националната си кампания срещу насилието над медици #ПребориГнева със серия от обучения, които са разработени от психолози на Лаборатория за психично здраве - ВМА