Dr. Beitty Kessf: Will you change yourself when you learn to see through the eyes of others

Dr. Beitty Kessf: Will you change yourself when you learn to see through the eyes of others

The professional celebration of all Bulgarian medics, Bulgarian medical union handed out his traditional "doctor of the year" awards. This year are most awarded in the category of young medical hopes - "You are our future." Among the award-winning is Dr. Beitty NessuF, a specialist and a doctor in the Pulmonology and Physiatric Department in Hospital - Silistra.

The Medik graduated in Plovdiv chooses to return to his hometown to help the sick there. It is highlighted by its active position on socially precautionary themes and its desire to change the health system. It is difficult to devote an interview time, finding one after another heavy duty at the Covid the hospital's department.

"Another terrible day. Difficultly mastering the situation - we have been writing, we accept, we refer to other hospitals. Last night the places were over here. Some patients have been waiting in the emergency all night to accept them. It is very difficult. We opened a new Covid structure, which for a negative time also filled, "says the doctor.

[All material.] (Https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/22046)

Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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