Dr. Brunzalov: 58% of patients ask for paper recipes

Dr. Brunzalov: 58% of patients ask for paper recipes

"The Bulgarian population, not the doctors, want to have the opportunity to issue a prescription and paper version. This is stated by 58% of the citizens in question. About 10% say they only want to receive their recipe on paper," said Deputy .-The Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov in the studio of "Bulgaria Morning".

According to him, the BMA has been working hard to digitize the whole healthcare in Bulgaria all the time.

"Bulgarian doctors are already working with digital test areas. so that they can do their jobs. We thus violate human and medical rights, "added Dr. Brunzalov.

He noted that the electronic file is not only what medicines the patient is taking.

"All his illnesses are contained in time - what medicines he drank at some point does not complain his file," the guest told Bulgaria ON AIR .

"The white recipe is prescribed for acute illnesses. These drugs in it will be new to the patient. An adult patient when his or her recipe is at the pharmacy and he will not know how to take medication. Each prescription is issued after a doctor's examination. He explains what the patient's therapy is . This will not lead to chaos, "concluded Dr. Nikolai Brunzalov.

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Source: Bulgaria ON AIR Bulgaria ON AIR

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