Dr. Brunzalov: European countries with 80% vaccine cover forgot about Covid

Dr. Brunzalov: European countries with 80% vaccine cover forgot about Covid

The vaccine is the most powerful weapon we currently have in the fight against Covid. Our health system will withstand the fourth wave, it is powerful enough and can vaccinate all unvaccinated so far from week to 10 days. In many European countries have already forgotten about the Covid epidemic and live a normal life because they have 80% vaccine coverage. This stated in the studio of "since the day" Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.

He stressed that in the midst of the epidemic vaccine is not the best form of protection, because the vaccine is likely to place during the incubation period of coronavirus, resulting in a reduction in its protection and the likelihood of the vaccinated to disease.

"Apparently something else should be done to motivate the population to be vaccinated to forget about the coronavirus and we go to normality. But the vaccination process should not stop," said Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.

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Source: БНТ БНТ

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