Dr. Brunzalov: Unlike coronavirus, influenza more often hits children
The Cambodia influenza is already in our country, the first case was registered. However, this does not mean that it occurs and does not mean a pandemic, said in "this morning" Deputy Chairman of GLS Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.
In his words, unlike coronavirus, the influenza more often hits children. And the symptoms - fat and high temperatures are very fast.
Dr. Brunzalov reminded that the symptoms of the two illnesses are difficult to differentiate and his advice is to consult a doctor before testing.
In general practitioners, there are free influenza vaccines for people over 65. The deadline for their placement is 31 December and has talks with the Chief State Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev for its extension by 15 days, explained the Deputy Chairman of the BMA.
The reason is that many of their adults are currently placing a booster dose of vaccines against COVID-19, and between the immunization for coronavirus and the flu should have a minimum of 14 days, Dr. Burnzalov added.
The whole conversation can be seen in the link ⤵️
Source: bTV Media Group
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