Dr. Gergana Nikolova: Choose the right time and vaccinate

Dr. Gergana Nikolova: Choose the right time and vaccinate

From today, there is a vaccination of children 5 years in our country. The expected 42,000 doses must arrive at three points in Sofia, Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo, and then allocated to the whole country.

At this stage, personal doctors are not included in the children's vaccination process of 5 to 12 years.

"If someone performs prophylaxis, these are the personal doctors. We put vaccines on the small age of zero and we have always done it. We are familiar with it well and from 1.8 million covey vaccines so far, 1.1 million are by personal doctors. It is important for us to be able to do this because we call patients and ask the parents, "the General Practitioner and a member of the BLS Dr. Gergana Nikolova told" Bulgaria in the morning ".

She explained that childhood vaccines evoke an effective immune response, although they were 1/3 of the adult dose. Dr. Nikolova is clear that children with chronic diseases should be vaccinated.

"It should be clear to all our patients that chronic illness is based on vaccinating is not a contraindication. These with overweight diabetes - they must necessarily be vaccinated. We are more worried about putting the dose from This to meet the virus. Contact your personal doctors you trust - consult them, choose the right time and vaccinate ", advises Dr. Nikolova in Bulgaria on Air.

According to her, the side effects described, such as myocardies, were also observed in other vaccines, and virus caused the same reactions with much more intensity.

"Unfortunately, the virus itself often makes cardiomyopathies and myocardies. In the side effects described in the United States, it is a slight processes that have passed without hospitalization. Do not compare slight cases with severe hospitalization cases," said Dr. Nikolova .

According to her, it is a good idea and put an influenza vaccine as the recommended distance from the Covid vaccine is 7 to 14 days.

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Source: Bulgaria ON AIR Bulgaria ON AIR

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