Dr. Gergana Nikolova: The pressure in doctors is already enhanced
With every epidemic, the biggest pressure is on personal doctors. The new strain of Covid-19 - Omikron will not exceptions and the most patients will have in general practitioners. These are Dr. Gergana Nikolova's expectations, a member of the BLS Management Board.
"First people call their personal doctors and first are looking for help. Patients of home therapy are with us until they are cured. There is also a subsequent observation of the infected and written by a hospital, the post-covid syndromes are again in personal doctors, "she said.
Dr. Nikolova explained that New Year had increased the number of patients looking for it with positive Covid samples and complaints. "We have to work on many of us, although they were days off. The pressure with us is already enhanced, "said the medic.
About Omicron, the general practitioner indicated that it infects much faster and easier. Strikes more people who have been in contact with a sick or media. "Therefore, we expect much greater massive of the sick people who will look for help," she said.
In her words, no measures are respected, there was no distance in the holidays. "We're hugging, kissing, talking closer. We change our behavior and therefore defend it easier, "said Dr. Nikolova.
She believes that the country still has a high number of diseased. The wave to come will go from a high level, predicts the doctor.
"People who are vaccinated will pass slightly through this infection. We can not promise that if you are vaccinated, 100% will not get sick. What we say is that vaccines will not reach a hospital and will not make complications. This is the meaning of vaccination, "the medication summarized.
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