Dr. Gergana Nikolova: Full dropping of the paper recipe violates the rights of the physician

Dr. Gergana Nikolova: Full dropping of the paper recipe violates the rights of the physician

"On a home visit it is not clear when a recipe is written. Inexplicably a man in a more serious condition called a doctor at home, how will he take the prescription prescribed online? There is no technical opportunity to issue only electronic recipes from May 1 because There is no way to happen outside the cabinet, and some colleagues do not have the necessary software. Not everyone has a phone where the required application is installed. " This was said for the "Live Day" Dr. Gergana Nikolova, a general practitioner and a member of the BLS Management Board.

In her words, medics work with personal information to patients and is not right for this information to be worn in the phone. "How will the information be protected when we issue a recipe through your phone? When there is a collapse in the system what will happen, patients will not be able to get the medicine? . She thinks.

According to her, new electronic recipes will unlock health tourism.

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