Dr. Gergana Nikolova: In reform, the idea is to have better health care

Dr. Gergana Nikolova: In reform, the idea is to have better health care

"It is strange that now, when we go out of an extremely heavy period for the system, began to talk about a total change of the existing way of working in the health system," said Dr. Gergana Nikolova, which is a general practitioner and a member of the Management Board of the BLS.

According to her, if a reform is made, it should "have a form of evolution of the model so far and change things where there is a problem."

"You do not have a light hand to delete everything that has been done 20 and starts from scratch. Now is not the time for patients or doctors, "she was categorical.

"When a reform is done, the idea is the system to get better, more worker, get better and better health care. I am afraid that the changes in this way will have the opposite effect, "Nikolova said.

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Source: Нова телевизия Нова телевизия

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