Dr. Ivan Madjarov: 88% of general practitioners in Bulgaria are over 50, 35 per 100 are in retirement age
We do not deny that people who are tired and adults work in Bulgarian health care. We do not have a staff capacity to make such care as are laid in the Western hospitals. This told BTV President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov and set an example: "General Practitioners, 88% of which are over 50 and 35% in retirement age, and only 12% are between 25 and 50 years and 60 years is the average age. This together with the extremely low vaccination rate is among the causes of higher mortality in our country.
In response to a question, there are hospitals who are in the bankruptcy now, Dr. Madjarov said there were distressing hospitals who were such before Covid. "First shall perish those who were sick and then. For them, we must already think about medical centers, as they can not perform the functions, "he said.
The President of the BLS also commented the broken yesterday for counterfeit certificates at Crystal MC: "If this medical center works with the NHIF, certainly doctors there are our members. If they do not have a contract with the cash register, may not be members of the medical union and to work in violation of the law, as for now only the healthcare requires such a document. This is about to be checked. "
In his words, if they are members of the BMA and have an imposed punishment, they will be removed immediately from the registry.
Dr. Madjarov stressed that the scheme works for two sides - the one who wants the certificate and one who gives it to him.
"Apparently have a great demand for certificates. In advance, it is known that the holder of a false identity card will be punished, but such a thing is not known about the holder of a false certificate. Once there is no consequences for the holder, it will always be found and who do them, "he said.
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Source: bTV Media Group