Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Bulgarian doctors are ready to review any needy Ukrainian

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Bulgarian doctors are ready to review any needy Ukrainian

_ Bulgarian doctors we said we were ready to review anyone who had the need for refugees arriving in Bulgaria. This said in the day, Dr. Ivan Madjarov, chairman of the Bulgarian medical union,

While there are normative changes to determine how hospitals will receive the pay for refugees, Bulgarian doctors are in their place and will help. Dr. Madjarov said they rely on such a state approach so that these funds can be restored to hospitals, otherwise they will be put into even more severe condition.

However, the President of the BMA said that there is no full information about working with refugees who have chronic illnesses. They need therapy that can not be interrupted and the problem can not be solved with charity because each drinks precisely certain medicines. There is no way in 20 days to make it clear how this will be settled, Dr. Madjarov said.

In his words, there is enough money in the cashier and if it is quickly taken by decisions, there will be no problem.

BMA as a professional organization can help each with a medical education who wants to start working in our country to help them faster the moving of the documents. For doctors it is necessary to have the language and have a covered worker. The right to practice in Bulgaria is the right to practice in Europe, Dr. Madjarov said.

For now, Bulgarian doctors will work with the available resource. The problem with the lack of staff in Bulgaria is more than 10-15 years. There was a period in which the reception and the specialies were limited and shrunk and now we see a hole in the doctors' age characteristics. Between 30 and 50 we have no more than 15-16% doctors, at most up to 18%. This problem is committed for a long time and it is difficult to solve quickly, Dr. Madjarov said.

Source: БНТ БНТ

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