Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Electronic Healthcare System will highlight the problems

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Electronic Healthcare System will highlight the problems

For about two weeks there is a relief of work in outpatient care cabinets, which explains the gradual reduction of load and hospitals. This was said in "Since the day" the Chair of GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

He explained that hospitals sometimes continued the treatment of some patients for a long time, while they also get new, so there will be a little slower.

Dr. Madjarov pointed out that the Roviniruses are very contagious, but in principle goes slightly. If confirmed that the Covid-19 variant Omicron also runs slightly, we should not be worried about being more contagious.

The President of the BMA noted that our age-old history shows that over the years we adapt to new and new microorganisms and that inevitably and the coronavirus will be defeated.

He commented on a survey of the WHO that in our country for the treatment of Covid-19, a much more frequent antibiotics were reported than this happened in other European countries, stressing that we need to comply with the everyday life of Bulgarian doctors in the cabinets them in which 60-70 people pass daily during a pandemic. They all expect to get therapy, and the responsibility for every patient's health is enormous.

"Our doctors are not less competent than their colleagues who heal around the world. Antibiotic resistance and the problem of excessive antibiotics exists everywhere. Let less small Bulgaria with nasing reports because it turns out to be the level of vaccination and the level of vaccination , during our meeting in the European Committee of Physicians, it became clear that there are countries that are at our level and those who are much worse than us, "Dr. Madjarov said.

The President of the BML has expressed the opinion that it is a compulsory vaccination for those who work with many people and there is a danger in these environments to disseminate the disease.

According to him, the introduction of an electronic system will highlight the problems that are now invisible.

On the question of whether in Bulgarian health care patients do not pay, he replied that if there are good enough control over all activities and when we start to spend more than 4,5% of GDP on healthcare, then this would be a reality.

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Source: БНТ БНТ

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