Dr. Ivan Madjarov: The staff problem requires bold decisions now

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: The staff problem requires bold decisions now

"Personnel problem requires bold solutions now. We are at the threshold of the abyss, "said Dr. Madjarov at the Academy Dorgoval on Eurocom television. The Chairman of the Preliminary Organization cites data, according to which 88% of general practitioners are over 50 and 35% - are in retirement age. 60 years is the average age of general practitioners.

Dr. Madjarov added that the state must take care of the strategic specialties - doctors and nurses and offered them to have no training fees. "When everyone is informed that his training is free of charge, not as the state order now has a charge, then you could be required by young colleagues to stay in Bulgaria. When advantages are provided, we can require obligations, "Dr. Madjarov added.

In connection with the cases of recent weeks that caused public dissatisfaction, Dr. Madjarov commented that patients were reasonable to be dissatisfied. "When we go to a hospital we expect to be accepted with compassion and attitude. We have witnessed an epidemic from returning patients. You need very seriously the Ministry of Health to remind hospitals that however they are engaged and overflowed, they should not return patients, "Dr. Madjarov said.

As regards the work of emergency and urgent aid, Dr. Madjarov was categorical that they must be State responsibility and be secured. "Emergency Aid is for emergency patients and should not be a vent for uninsured patients who practically use emergency aid to reach the health system. Many places are maintained with medical establishments that only bear the name hospital. They are emptied from content. This sooner or later we will have to admit it. There must be hospitals that meet standards, staff and equipment ".

Prof. Dr. Hristo Deyanov's conversation with Dr. Ivan Madjarov can watch here

You can see all the material here

Source: Телевизия Евроком Телевизия Евроком

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