Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Personal doctors do not issue free medications for Covid-19
"Many of the Covid areas do not have software for writing free medicines and the personal physician is required to write medication ordered by another. Something with GLS we disagree. Personal doctors are not secretaries, the patient's path is just one, so there is no to do it ". This was stated in "[Day Live] (https://www.facebook.com/DeniatNaJivo/?__cft__ [0] = AZXm-xEUanw8FnbaN2vedTIKoOPOCMbXW0YHw09nwT6dKd0pKxuZsxw9Cynsk5Sw2LVav-Bxw8ql1-AlzFcxNv3ANzM1I_b49TO-Ka2oNgdkHDkyoiTS8qZvyzewsfm3wnScGF6bNje1b_AapbJNV9oRMzAWMFuL3kj3N9P25MAoIii_hf9pmLr4_Vrk6Wc0B_I & tn = kK-R)" in [Nova Tv] (https : //www.facebook.com/Nova-Tv-359847174055018/? cft [0] = AZXm-xEUanw8FnbaN2vedTIKoOPOCMbXW0YHw09nwT6dKd0pKxuZsxw9Cynsk5Sw2LVav-Bxw8ql1-AlzFcxNv3ANzM1I_b49TO-Ka2oNgdkHDkyoiTS8qZvyzewsfm3wnScGF6bNje1b_AapbJNV9oRMzAWMFuL3kj3N9P25MAoIii_hf9pmLr4_Vrk6Wc0B_I & tn = kK-R) chairman of BMA Dr. John Madjarov.
He believes that the proposal, if you have at least 10% busy beds with COVID patients, get 100% of their budget is crisis PR by the NHIF.
"We will sign it and still will remain money. Thus October, November and December, hospitals will receive their goals, regardless of the work," said Dr. Madjarov.
The fact that the Medical Union has referred the Prosecutor's Office for NHIF negotiations for a suspicion of abuse and experience of concealing funds on their part, he said he was certain that the experts were not guilty about what was happening in the NHIF and the responsibility of Salchev.
"We held three meetings with the NHIF. At the first meeting, Prof. Salchev was attended and agreed with our suggestions, but forbids the NHIF experts to speak. Week then we were again in a meeting, but without him, it is not true that we wanted to to attend. We have understood that on October 18 we will present the methodology for health insurance payments. At the date itself, all experts were silent, they submitted two sheets with unfulfilled things. There were instructions for formal negotiations. It is not true that Prof. Salchev is Only an organizer, the NHIF Manager defines the policy is not a technical secretary, "Dr. Madjarov explained
In his words, there was a surplus of BGN 200 million, who have to go to doctors.
"The cashier pays for activity, but during the pandemic she could not take place, so we offered 100% of hospital budgets regardless of the work," said Dr. Madjarov.
According to him, there are 30 million for patients' directions.
"By law, we are obliged all year round to work with the NHIF so that the money from health insurance contributions to reach the best way to everyone," Prof. Madjarov said.
On the topic with the information from the Health Ministry for the Pfizer's vaccine and its contraindications, the medic said the manufacturer has communicated the same information, but the Ministry of Health translates it into a more accessible language. And the announcement has another role - to eliminate misinformation.
For the immunization campaign, the professor commented that he does not know where he studied and what textbooks he read a doctor who speaks against vaccines.
"Whatever the foreign body entering the body, immune memory is formed against it. 75% of doctors are vaccinated," Prof. Ivan Madjarov finished.
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