Dr. Ivan Madjarov: I hope you stay in Bulgaria and give your knowledge here
I believe what you learned will help you be wonderful doctors wherever you work, but I hope, however, stay in Bulgaria and give your knowledge to our country. With these words, the chairman of Bulgarian medical union Dr. Ivan Madjarov turned to graduates from class 2021 at the Medical Faculty of Medical University - Sofia during the ceremony of serving their diplomas.
"Wherever you work whether in Bulgaria or around the world, you will inevitably face the fact that, despite the main development of medicine and science and there are limitations, and treatment in certain cases is not always possible. So remember: we have sacramental in the field of medicine, but we are not gods. There will be many cases where you will face failure, "Dr. Madjarov warned graduates.
The chairman of the Bulgarian medical union of failing to encourage young doctors, saying he believes in their knowledge and is convinced that they will know what is the right and proper treatment for their patients. And stressed that it is particularly important for young physicians to be compassionate, humane, to experience the sufferings of His patients.
Dr. Ivan Madjarov also gave the council of graduates: "Teach constantly, refine yourself, remember that the man who has turned to you has done it because there is a problem and need you, do not let the indifference conquer your life and You will surely be successful doctors, certainly society will pay back to the efforts you have made. "
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