Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Extraordinary measures to deal with the staff crisis

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Extraordinary measures to deal with the staff crisis

Up to 5 years, dozens of medical establishments can be closed or restructured due to lack of medical staff. Tova said Dr. Ivan Madjarov in Nova News' social network. If the trend is not reversed, the forecast is up to 10 years of retirement doctors to be over half of the practitioners.

According to the chairman of the GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov, this is not a shortage of medics but acute lack. "The reasons include leakage of staff in better paid countries, as well as reduced reception for doctors years ago. Physicians below the age of 50 are about 28%," he said. And added that the largest shortage is in primary outpatient help - there are 78% of doctors over 50 and 60% - over 60 years.

"No hospital will close immediately. There is no settlement to stay without medical attention. But extraordinary measures are needed to deal with the staff crisis," said Dr. Madjarov.

For his part, Milka Vassileva, Chairman of the Board of Babb, believes that medical care specialists are dissatisfied with working conditions - low pay, lack of career growth. "All this is offered in the Western world, which sucks our specialists. Average 1 nurse takes care of 68 patients in Bulgaria and must be between 5 and 7," she explained. By its words from a total of 22,000 nurses in Bulgaria 30% are over 65, another 30% will retire in the next one and five years. Many work in several places, "Vassileva explained.

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