Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Dropping of the paper recipe takes rights to the doctor and the patient

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Dropping of the paper recipe takes rights to the doctor and the patient

The obligation to write medication fully electronically can be seen as withdrawal of physician's rights and the patient. This was told before Medical News the President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov on the proposed regulatory changes related to the dropping of paper recipes.

The issue has been discussed at the meeting of the National Council of the Procurative Organization held on the weekend. We recall, after it, the BLS [came out] (https://medicalnews.bg/2022/04/16/%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD% D0% B0% D0% BB% D0% Bd% D0% B8% D1% 8F% D1% 82% D1% 81% D1% 8A% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82-% D0% Bd% D0% B0% D0% B1% D0% BB% D1% 81% D1% 81% D1% 80% D0% B5% D1% 89% D1% 83% D0% BF% D1% 8A% D0% BB % D0% Bd% D0% BE /) that "set changes to Ordinance No 4 on the conditions and procedure for prescribing and lending medicinal products published for public discussion are unreasonable, non-driven and will only result in additional voltage under The Doctor - Patient axis.

According to Dr. Madjarov, this change in practice means that if the doctor does not have a computer in front of him, he could not prescribe a patient therapy, which is the type of revocation of his rights. "The doctor is a doctor all his life. "As these changes, however, for example, a retired doctor who does not work in a cabinet could not write medication for his close or neighbor," he commented.

According to him, the dropping of paper recipes will create particularly major problems in the urgent cabinets. "I am not sure about whether the importers of the changes have checked how the Cabinets for urgent help work and whether any of them has a software for issuing an electronic recipe, whether it is a cabinet in a state or private structure," he said.

In the words of the President of the BMA Bulgaria will be if not the only one of the few European countries in which the paper recipes will be prohibited entirely. "You wanted to ask what problem of the health system we decide with this change and is this the biggest problem at all? Without the white prescription happens something negative? "_, He asked.

Dr. Madjarov added that if the paper recipe was kept, then doctors are of the opinion that there should be no medicine that is granted by a medical prescription from a Bulgarian prescription if there is no electronic recipe in the national health -Information System.

Meanwhile, the professional organization publishes a poll among doctors whether to completely dropped the paper recipe because of the introduction of the electronic you can fill in [ here. ] (https://blsbg.com/en/)

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Source: Medical News Medical News

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