Dr. Ivan Madjarov: There will be a positive vaccination campaign directed to individual groups

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: There will be a positive vaccination campaign directed to individual groups

"There will be a positive vaccination campaign targeted at individual groups." This was said Dr. Ivan Madjarov - Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Union, explaining that this was decided at an expert meeting. He added that the children's vaccines are in our country to enable those who want to immunize their children rather than being mandatory.

In his words, it can not be said about the effectiveness of the green certificate in our country because it does not apply as in other countries. Madjarov added and that he is lowered and has a lot of false certificates.

"BML may impose sanctions if there is a proven violation and then the doctor who issued a false document will no longer be part of the health system," he explained. He mentioned and postcod syndrome, which after each wave increases the chronic patients and therefore it is important to limit the patients.

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Source: bTV Media Group bTV Media Group

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