Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Vaccines are the weapon against the epidemic

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Vaccines are the weapon against the epidemic

"In the time we already have a weapon against the epidemic, to impose constraints is harmful to the country's economy. You need to make it quick enough to convince people that there is no sufficient resource any health system to handle and our even less. You have to be We vaccinate, this is the truth, "said Dr. Ivan Madjarov, Chairman of the BLS Managing Board.

According to Deyan Denev, Executive Director of the Association of Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria, there is a quiet hidden morbidity. In his words, this is an iceberg to which our health system has started with the accumulation of people with chronic diseases, with oncological diseases that are undiagnosed and undertroduced, "said Deyan Denev.

"There is a study that shows that last year 1800 cases were diagnosed less on oncological diseases. There is no such trend in world science - oncological diseases every year rise. We tell us that people have not visited a medical institution and are not Diagnosed, "explained the Chair of the BMA.

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Source: bTV Media Group bTV Media Group

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