Dr. Ivan Madjarov: MMA proved to be a benchmark for organization, courage and respect

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: MMA proved to be a benchmark for organization, courage and respect

The Military Medical Academy has noted the 130th anniversary of its creation. Because of the pandemic setting, the celebration was symbolic with the laying of gums and flowers in front of the monument of the killed medical chests.

This is an extremely responsible anniversary of one of the most authoritative institutions in Bulgaria. Throughout these years, we have strived in honor of fulfilling our predecessors who swore us to be a benchmark in every respect, said the Chief of Major General Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiya, Ph.D., FACS. He stressed that despite the complicated setting because of the pandemic, the Central Hospital in Sofia was completely renovated, strategic changes and retrofitting were also carried out in part of peripheral military hospitals.

And in the last year and a half, MMA proved to be a benchmark for organization, courage, good medical practice and respect - from and to patients. You have to be proud because I'm sure that in the minds and hearts of all Bulgarians MMA in most cases is the last hope when we have a problem. The MMA was such since its creation and I believe it will continue to be such in the future, Dr. Ivan Madjarov said, Chairman of the BLS Management Board.

Dozens of MMA employees were awarded high professionalism in the implementation of their mission in saving human lives. Dr. Ivan Madjarov handed out the awards of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milena Encheva, PhD, Dr. Sevda Mileva-Mihaylova, Dr. Stanimir Dobrev and Dr. Anelia Bogdanova.

Appreciation for the day-to-day efforts of the medics expressed Deputy Defense Minister Plamen Yordanov, Defense Chief Admiral Emil Eftimov, Prof. Krasimir Gigov - General Director of BRC, Director of Sofia Rhed Dr. Dancho Penchev and Dr. Toma Tomov, Deputy Minister of Health.

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