Dr. Ivan Madjarov: For medics update there is no
The Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Ivan Madjarov expressed concerns that healthcare funds voted through the update would not reach the medics. In an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio, he challenged the mechanism in which they would be distributed:
"The funds are not a little - these are 120 million. Even if they were only 1 leva or BGN 10,000, they should be allocated proportionally ** between the individual rows recorded in the Health Insurance Act by starting with hospital care and get to drugs. "
According to Madjarov, this is a a huge amount in the hands of several people from the NHIF Supervisory Board "to decide when and how, to who to distribute the money" , which in his words is unprecedented.
He expressed fears that money would not reach Bulgarian medics.
" This means that for us, the medics, update there is no ."
Regarding the new ambulatory procedures for treating coronavirus in outpatient conditions, Dr. Madjarov warned:
"If it is said that this procedure is in outpatient aid, funds should be allocated and enrolling from Parliament just for the specialized and primary outpatient medical care. Otherwise, we will be in a new payment procedure with the old funds. It will be clear that there is no money for her. You will need to work colleagues with funds provided for other chronic diseases for prophylactic examinations for dispensary examinations, but in Covid to pay a procedure. "
Ivan Madjarov also commented that as if we did not learn from our last year and a half experience, but we are trying to introduce new things, "we are in the epidemic launch."
According to him covid areas and the DKCs, and in hospitals have performed very well during the previous infection waves and should have been clearly supported.
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Source: Българско национално радио