Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Health is not an exchange coin between parties

Dr. Ivan Madjarov: Health is not an exchange coin between parties

In this episode of the podcast ["in the center of the system"] (https://soundcloud.com/bnrpodcasts/sets/V-Czentra-na-sistemata) we continue the conversation with the chairman of [Bulgarian Medical Union] (https:/Blsbg .com/bg/) Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

This time we talk if there will be a new Covid wave, why there was a part of the intensive beds , what to expect in the negotiations for the new framework contract, what voted in the NHIF budget, for the dismissals ofHospital Directors , why again there are no incentives and measures to overcome staff deficits from nurses, what should be compensation for hospitals in the upcoming heavy winter in view of galloping inflation, how they divert BLS's expectations for the promised changes and unfulfilled promises?

"From the point of view of the public consciousness and the feeling, we should not allow us to be accused of doctors, that we are creating psychosis on the occid-19 . It is our duty to say that the data at the moment show that the characteristic of The virus is to take place as a mild illness , so we should not panic. I hope it goes on. Learning - I will say that we have a deficit there **, "said the chairman of the Medical Union, Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

According to Dr. Madjarov , the health authorities had to keep some of the intensive beds discovered for Covid-19 . "The additional intense beds have been closed. It is easy for the clerk, if the cases are suddenly increased, to order - start 50 per cent intensive beds tomorrow, but is it so for doctors and hospital directors?" Asked Dr. Madjarov. He emphasized that the difficulty is not related to funding, but to an organization. In Third levels, these beds had to be kept at least until the end of the year , he added. According to him, there is no concern for humans, because at the moment such patients are taken in infectious and pulmonary wards and clinics.

In the upcoming negotiations for the three -year R&D after September 15, in terms of the financial part in view of the political situation by the BMA, they hope that whoever comes to power is aware that healthcare is not an exchange coin between parties This is very important in personnel, said Dr. Madjarov. The decision to increase salaries at the Regional Health Insurance Fund and NHIF ** is correct, but increasing the number of working there is incomprehensible.

"We expected that we were introducing digitalization to not need to appoint more admin. What would an on -site employee of the NHIF or RHIF, if everything would be electronically? We do not arrange it.

Increases the staffing deficit of doctors . If, before the pandemic, 350 people died annually, more than 700 doctors were reached after the pandemic. But the reason is not only the coronavirus, but the fact that of the 32,000 doctors, over 65 percent is over 55 years old. And 88 percent of GPs are over 51 ...., quoted Dr. Madjarov.

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