Dr. Hristo Milev: Patoanatomy reveals an amazing world of cellular and subcellular level

Dr. Hristo Milev: Patoanatomy reveals an amazing world of cellular and subcellular level

_B Day of the Bulgarian Doctor - October 19, the Bulgarian medical union handed out its annual awards to medical contributions. This year was the most awarded in the category for young medical hopes "You are our future." Among them was Dr. Hristo Milev, who worked as a physician in the Department of General and Clinical Pathology of the Medica Rousse University Hospital. By Medical News talked to Dr. Milev about the system for choosing a specialty about the meaning of the distinction.

Dr. Milev, what is the prize of the Bulgarian medical union in the category for young medical hopes "You are our future"?

The BLS Award further motivates me to continue to work in order to achieve the goals I have put in a professional attitude.

You are directed to one of the most deficient specialties in medicine, namely pathoanatomy. How did you choose this specialty?

In fact, during the stupid years, I had directed internal diseases, but when my wife we ​​started looking for a job, it turned out that there were no vacancies for specialization, it had to consider other options. To a great extent, the beauty in the microscopic study attracted me to pathoanatom and, even though I did not realize it, that was what was the ideal specialty for me.

The problem with the frames in this sphere is great. Why is it so that it is not the particularly desired spheres of medicine?

In my opinion, most young doctors are not aware of the nature of work in a patatoanatomy compartment, so they can not judge the pros and cons of this specialty, and accordingly do not take it into account when choosing a development path. It is wrong to understand that our main work is related to autopsy activity. In fact, pathologists mostly watch biopsies under a microscope, which reveals us an astonishing world of cellular and subcellular level.

Why is it important to have more doctors in this field, what is its significance in the general field of medicine?

In the absence of diagnosis, adequate treatment can not be carried out, and for certain diseases histological examination is a "gold standard". Especially with oncological diseases, the role of the pathologist is indispensable.

Where do you see your professional future - in Bulgaria or similar to many colleagues - abroad?

At this stage of my life there is no reason to search for work abroad. In Bulgaria, I am close to people who are important to me, and in Medica provide me with appropriate conditions for professional development.

What are the challenges for a young doctor in our country - from a professional and career view?

Perhaps, the main challenge for every young doctor is the choice of the appropriate specialty, and also find free space for specialization.

Yesterday, parliamentary elections were held for the country. What would you say to future health care politicians from their position to a young successful doctor in Bulgaria?

Try to justify the confidence you voted the people and let all together work in the name of a better future.

Polina Todorova

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Source: Medical News Medical News

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