Dr. Madjarov: If the examination with the GP is 15 min, the first free hour will be in a month

Dr. Madjarov: If the examination with the GP is 15 min, the first free hour will be in a month

The health fund is stuck with the Bulgarian Medical Union and the doctors. Thus, the chairman of the BMA, Dr. Ivan Madjarov, commented on the request of the NHIF to introduce a rule-the review of the jeep to be at least 15 minutes. If this happens, patients will not be able to make an hour in the next 20-30 days, he explained.

"This proposal was not given 2 months ago when the formal launch of this year's negotiations began, but a few days ago, when we entered a serious conflict. It has a red thread. It is a directing of patients from outpatient in hospital care, saving funds and transferring from one feather to another. First they say the review will be 15 minutes. Then they say, if you do not reach 46% so far it was 33% of prevention, we will pay you less. If you violate the quality criteria, we will impose a twice as much minimum fine and triple-larger. That is, every doctor should cover more patients, and at the same time we limit them the time they can do prophylactic examinations, ”Madjarov explained.

A general practitioner with 2000 patients examines an average of 50-60 people a day, said the Chairman of the Board of the BMA.

"In the end, it becomes impossible to make the money that parliament votes to be earned," he said.

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Source: Нова телевизия Нова телевизия

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