Dr. Madjarov: There is no cause of dissatisfaction with personal doctors for the payment of prophylactic examinations

Dr. Madjarov: There is no cause of dissatisfaction with personal doctors for the payment of prophylactic examinations

There is no reason for dissatisfaction with personal doctors to pay prophylactic examinations. This was said about BTA the chairman of the Bulgarian medical union Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

Earlier today before BTA, the chairman of the National Association of General Practitioners Assoc. Prof. Lyubomir Kirov said personal doctors do not accept the NHIF's idea to pay differentiated - according to their number to carry out prophylactic examinations.

The contract, which we have so far, is fulfilled 100 percent of our demands on our proposals related to rising prices for activities in primary outpatient care, Dr. Madjarov said.

Proposals have been translated through general practitioners and are fully adopted, providing for prophylactic review they receive 25 leva. For the first time, a differential payment will be introduced, which provides that anyone who has not covered 45 per cent of the patients to be prevented will receive a lower pay.

It should be noted that the average percentage achieved last year, in the terms of Kovid crisis, was 46 percent, Dr. Madjarov said. In his words, all personal doctors are guaranteed those 25 leva if last year's outcome achieved.

In the forthcoming annex to the National Framework Agreement will also be recorded that if one of the general practitioners reach the range over 60 per cent will receive a single prophylactic review price of BGN 27. More than 90 per cent of doctors, even if there is no differentiated pay, will be able to cover in prophylactic examinations and over 46 per cent of their patients, Dr. Madjarov added. If these 46 per cent has not been reached on an annual basis, the activity will be estimated at 20 leva for review, he explained. In such cases, doctors will be required in such cases to reimburse funds to the NHIF.

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Source: Българска телеграфна агенция БТА Българска телеграфна агенция БТА

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