Dr. Madjarov: Continuing medical education must be mandatory

Dr. Madjarov: Continuing medical education must be mandatory

The continued training of doctors should be mandatory, said Dr. Ivan Madjarov during Powers Summit - the innovative platform for constructive, operational dialogue, face -to -face, business leaders, science and civil sector. The chairman of the BMA participates in the priority panel "Health during crisis".

Dr. Madjarov announced that the state is debtor to secure staff. "There is no requirement for continuing training anywhere. We believe that this is high time this happens, "he added, and recalled that a team of experts has developed a project of a model for the valuation of medical work, which is to be protected before the ministries of health and the finance, as emphasized, that the continued training of medics should be mandatory.

At the moment, the capacity of the healthcare system is more relevant than its improvement, because we somehow lost the moment we reached the gap. Increasing the funds we expect to happen should be aimed at guaranteeing the staff resistance of the system.

MPs, ministers, diplomats and more were present at the Forum "Power, Hear!"

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