Dr. Madjarov: Continuing medical training must be mandatory

Dr. Madjarov: Continuing medical training must be mandatory

Continuing medical training must be mandatory and the BMA has been pushing for years for legal changes in this direction. This opinion was protected by the Chairman of the BMA Dr. Ivan Madjarov during the conference "Medical Error and Rules for Good Medical and Clinical Practice", which is being held in Sandanski. The commentator of the chairman of the professional organization was in the context of the need for additional qualification and refreshing the knowledge of doctors as a prevention for making mistakes.

Who in this country has made it necessary to have continuing medical training, he asked.

According to Dr. Madjarov, approximately one third of the doctors attend PMO courses. "Nobody goes to refresher courses," he said, stating that the BLS has fulfilled its commitments regarding the possibilities of upgrading the knowledge of the class, but the lack of the absence A mandatory element in this direction is why they are not often sought after. "We fulfill our commitments. Colleagues who want to refine themselves receive loans. They are led electronically, they are not fake, but no one requires them for anything in this country, "said Dr. Madjarov.

He pointed out that he had several [insisted on legal changes,] (L) through which continued medical training should be compulsory. The question was also raised during meetings with representatives of the political forces as part of their election campaigns, but only a evasive answer was received in this direction. I use this rostrum as an appeal to anyone who can influence, said the chairman of the BMA.

It cannot continue this way-doctors who do not upgrade their education, do not support their qualifications, cannot treat Bulgarian citizens, because even if we write rules, they will learn them for the first time in court, said Dr. Madjarov.

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Source: Medical News Medical News

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