Dr. Madjarov: Resuscitia and telemedicine are needed in new waves of Covid-19

Dr. Madjarov: Resuscitia and telemedicine are needed in new waves of Covid-19

Introducing telemedicine, especially in primary outpatient help, as well as resuscitative reserves in different regions of the country. This formed as a prioror with a subsequent wave of Covid-19 President of the GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov during the civil debate: "Health expectations: between pandemic and reforms" organized by a national patient organization, in partnership with c. Capital and the Bulgarian Economic Chamber.

"It is particularly important to include telemedicine in outpatient care. During the heavier periods of the epidemic before private doctors have dozens of patients with Covid-19 and they can not be treated by phone. The introduction of telemedicine on the one hand will create peace of mind in patients and, on the other hand, allow their remote monitoring and timely response to the deterioration. "

The Chair of the BLS commented a study among 156 people, mostly patients, of which 115 share difficulty access to hospitals during the epidemic, with the biggest reason for this being contaminated, followed by the suspension of planning, lack of places in the hospital system and difficulty getting directions. The consultation was conducted in a number of cities in the country.

In this regard, Dr. Madjarov pointed out that there should be regional thinking to solve the questions. He stressed that during the high load of the system, the main problem was not the lack of hospital beds and the lack of resuscitives. "The problem with patients in some places was that they did not get enough adequate resuscitation care," the GLS Specialant said.

Dr. Madjarov also commented the idea of ​​creating "clean" by Covid-19 hospitals, saying that such a plan can be designed, but this should happen by the end of the summer. "In it, however, it must be described how and how many staff will include other medical establishments in the event of a peak of the epidemic," he commented. And Specified: "It is difficult to have a huge wave to have" clean "hospitals because practice proves that this can hardly be realized."

Dr. Madjarov also given example: "You take a person who is not diagnosed with Covid-19, but on the second day he raises the temperature, tests and turns out to be positive."

Regarding criticisms of the lack of a CIVID-19 treatment protocol in the first months of the epidemic, he said he could not blame anyone for the year during which the information had changedly changed daily. Dr. Madjarov reminded that there was already a [Diagnostic and Treatment Guide of COVID-19] (https://blsbg.com/en/interaktiven-spravochnik-za-za-za-lechenie-na-covid-19_p10343.html), which has been published on the Preliminary Organization website.

Source: Zdrave.net Zdrave.net

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