Dr. Madjarov: Our task is to secure the incomes of doctors and healthcare professionals
The task behind us is right now to secure the pay and income of Bulgarian doctors and healthcare professionals. This is particularly important in order for they may be painlessly undergoing a state of emergency where there were additional payments to pay for activity. This was stated by the Chair of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov during the briefing of the health authorities in the Ministry of Health.
"We are aware of and have repeatedly warned that we currently have payments related to the state of emergency that have so far provided a" salary fund "throughout the health system," Dr. Madjarov continued.
The Chair of the BML was categorical that the proposed prices for activities from the professional organization discussed during the ongoing negotiations aimed at compensating for these payments after their waste and first steps to overcome the staff crisis in the sector.
"With the signing of the annex to the R & D 2020-2022, we launch a long-term strategy with which Bulgaria has to deal with the paper crisis in the sector, Dr. Madjarov also commented.