Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Covid zones do not work in favor of patients, in 8 areas no such centers at all

Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Covid zones do not work in favor of patients, in 8 areas no such centers at all

In the eleventh episode of [the BNR "Covid Vaccines"] (), we sought the opinion of the General Practitioner and Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.

"My patients who are vaccinated and see the protection already ask me about a third booster dose. I organized very well with lists at the beginning when we had any vaccines so that over 40 per cent of my patients were immune. Of course, There are those who are on the other pole and do not want. But I have a vaccinated who have become sick, they have made a very slightly deltian option - but these are just three sick. And I have many patients, "he told his daily practice Dr. Brunzalov.

In his words, however, there is a big problem at the moment - and that is that the so-called Covid zones do not work.

"Covid areas do not work in favor of patients. We as personal doctors are excluded from this treatment, and patient to get these home treatment medications - whether fully, whether partly reimburises, should only go to such an area in a certain For him, a corridor, and then it will be that I as his GP will follow its treatment.

At the same time, the home treatment recipe is only electronic and it can be recorded only three groups identified by the Ministry of Health. It turns out that some of these medication is not at all at pharmacies, "Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov said.

"And I ask - who cures these patients on home treatment - their personal doctors or doctors of specialized outpatient help and whether there are such specialists - no ...

No 150 and 1500 covid zones are required. Therefore, the sickness from Smolyan to know from now that they have to pay their coronavirus medicines, this model does not work. In 8 areas there are no such centers at all, Dr. Brunzalov.

The NHIF has to expand the package of study to follow the Covid patients, said Dr. Brunazolov. This is the study of blood clotting. We have also asked this question to the NHIF. And at the same time, we need research that have not been communicated in any medical recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus clarified the doctor.

You can see all the material here

Source: БНР Радио София БНР Радио София

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