Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Digitization is needed so we can preserve doctors

Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: Digitization is needed so we can preserve doctors

All general practitioners and specialists in outpatient medical care will already be able to register electronic reviews and issue outpatient sheets in electronic format. This reported "Information Service", the National System Integrator of the State Administration. More on the topic in ["The Day begins"] (https://bnt.bg/bg/a/ydnkhzhvkyel) commented Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov, Deputy Chairman of the GLS.

It is not about electronic examinations, Dr. Brunzalov said.

The examinations will be electronically registered and stored in the National Health Electronic System. The patient will depend on what access and how long to give doctors to the electronic review of the review, Dr. Brunzalov explained.

The emission of the electronic recipe is issued after a doctor's examination, but to call us on the pharmacy phones, he stressed.

Dr. Brunzalov explained that the electronic dossier would no longer need patients to wait to convey their laboratory studies to the counseling physician. The moment in which the electronic coupon was issued and the laboratory processed the organic product, he went back to the National Information System, explained the Deputy Chairman of the BMA.

They will also drop out the reports to the RZA, he added.

According to Dr. Brunzalov, a very serious problem with the deficiencies of general practitioners will be created as there is a serious outflow of willing to practice. As a problem, he also noted that patients ring their personal doctors at any time and with questions that could be found in a variety of other places. The physician recalled about the problematic duty of a 24-hour disposition and said: "This is one of the reasons for general practitioners from 7000 at the beginning of the reform, now to be 3600". Dr. Brunzalov added that, according to a study by GLS, 88% were over 50 years of age, and there was an acting general practitioner at 91 years. He warned that the problem would deepen and because of the administrative burden on the Jitita. "That's why we hope e-health to alleviate us. The fact is that there are many steps. Let these steps be complicated by the ruling, to use rationally so that we can keep our doctors, "called the Deputy Chairman of the BMA.

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Source: БНТ БНТ

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