Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: The resignation of the NHIF chairman is a matter of time

Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov: The resignation of the NHIF chairman is a matter of time

The management of the BLS was invited by the NHIF at a meeting yesterday. However, it did not take place. Why - the theme in the "day begins" commented Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov, Deputy Chairman of the BMA.

At the invitation of the Supervisory Board, we had to meet and understand about the things that had to be discussed. But the guards, however, did not let us go to the fourth floor. We waited in the reception. It became 14:30 - the appointed time and we were admitted. However, it turned out that the Hall has a meeting of the Supervisory Board. Gentlemen waited on the terrace for more than 15 that and 20 minutes. There was no one to come out and tell us something like a normal host. After the 20th minute, we decided that there was no more to do there, explained Brunzalov.

Basically, the methodology was to be discussed in which the funds that remain unused in the healthcare system should be allocated. Due to the fact that this year we had a major problem with Kovide epidemic and the medical establishments could not carry out their core business on which the NS budget was voted. In this situation, the forces were thrown into the fight with Kovide and a feather remained respective amounts, Dr. Brunzalov explained.

In his words, the NHIF has agreed "violently" the meeting to stream and be public, and then "quiet" have refused.

The reason this conversation does not happen is not on the part of the Bulgarian doctors, Dr. Brunzalov said.

At this point that shakes the system that puts extra tension in it should take full responsibility for any consequences, he is categorical.

No - so answered Dr. Brunzalov to the question of whether he could talk to this NHIF Guide. In his words, the resignation of her President Petko Salchev is a matter of time.

He also stated that an increase in the price of the Kovide path was needed.

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Source: БНТ БНТ

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