Dr. Nikolova: Measures will have an effect if they are respected
"The measures taken are quite timely and if they are respected, they will have a great effect. This will limit the possibility of unvaccinated people to be found in closed rooms where the transmission of the infection becomes extremely quick and very easy. "This said the general practitioner and the members of the BLS Dr. Gergana Nikolova told Nova television on the new order of the Minister .
"Unfortunately in the last week with us the pressure is very large. Every day patients who are positive with Covid are found to remain domestic treatment. Yesterday I had to hospitalize in an urgent patient who worsened sharply and quickly, so we, as doctors, we find it necessary to do something to stop the spread of infection, "she added.
According to Dr. Nikolova, those who have vaccinated should not be restricted. Unvaccinated also have the right to attend establishments and cultural events if they have a negative PCR.
"Only this week I have three pneumonia in children under the age of 11, which has not happened to me in the middle of August. This is very worrying. We will have a serious problem with young children. Let more people vaccinate because this wave will be the wave not the windy, "said Dr. Nikolova.
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Source: Нова телевизия
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