Dr. Silvia Stoeva: We are yet to observe the effects of pandemic in psychological and psychiatric aspect
Dr. Silvia Stoeva graduated from Medicine 4 years ago in Mu Plovdiv and months later he began his specialization in the clinic of Psychiatry at the University Hospital "St. Georgi ". Last year in the peak of a pandemic's serene woolle falls into the infectious department of the hospital. The foreling collision with the virus originally scares it, but then motivates it to work even more selflessly.
Psychiatry - thin and fine specialty
Dr Stoeva is the first doctor in his home - there are no other medics in her family and nobody guided it to medicine. He stopped her because of his interest in chemistry, and later, the one to the soul suffering of the people was born.
"I liked the psychiatry, I had an interest in her, I chose her and to day not sorry for my choice. A very thin and subtle profession is, a little unusual as a specialty because the human soul - you can not touch it, you can not see it, "she says.
In the words of Dr. Stoeva for mental illnesses in our country does not speak enough, and patients with similar problems are often stigmatized. It is precisely that it seems to be directed to the efforts of the health authorities in the future.
[All material.] (Https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/22122)
Source: Quo vadis
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