To support Prof. Vanna Nedkova-Kolarova!
A prominent Bulgarian doctor needs our help to fight severe and rare disease!
Prof. Vanya Nedkova Nedkova - Kolarova is Head of Department of Pediatrics in his-phedia, Head of Children's Diseases Hospital Dr. G. Stranski, Republican Pediatrics Consultant for Central Northern Bulgaria, external consultant of NHIF for the treatment of children in the abroad and member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Pediatric Association. Prof. Nedkova - Kolarova has devoted his life to child health in Bulgaria.
Today it needs help to fight a severe and rare disease -nodechnic T lymphoma-angiomeless type, which is known for its unpredictable move and difficult to achieve long-term remission.
Her loved ones turned to a Bulgarian medical union and sent an open letter (in the attachment) in which they ask for assistance in recruiting treatment.
Prof. Vanya Nedkova Nedkova - Kolarova needs our support !
Anyone who wants to help can do it on:
- Vanya Nedkova Nedkova-Kolarova
- IBAN BG74BBS88881000067222
- Bank-UBB
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Български лекарски съюз с кампания в помощ на лекарите, които търсят работа и лечебните заведения, които набират медици.