The Cardiology Expert Council recommends priority vaccination of patients with advanced and high-risk cardiovascular diseases
Priority to vaccinate patients with advanced and high-risk cardiovascular diseases recommends that the Cardiology expert advice. In patients with cardiovascular disease, Covid-19 runs heavier and more complications, including a higher probability of lethal outcome. Of many published reports and scientific studies, it is clear that critically ill patients can develop cardiovascular complications such as myocardial infarction, inflammation of heart muscle (myocarditis) and pericarditis, which appear as a cause of severe heart disease impairment (heart failure ) and life-threatening rhythm disturbances of the heart.
With the emergence of coronavirus SARS-COV-2 cases of myocarditis globally increased by almost 6 times, indicating coronavirus as one of the main causes of this complication. Myocardial can lead to the development of terminal heart failure and the need for cardiac transplantation.
Studies categorically demonstrate the negative response of heart function in severe SARS-COV-2 infection. The deterioration of heart failure in COVID-19 is one of the main reasons for the classification of cardiovascular patients as a risk group. Among the main symptoms of worsening of the pump function of the heart muscle are shortness of breath, the emergence and deepening of the extremity swelling, the swelling of the vein and the worsening of physical capacity.
Worldwide, in recent months there has been and increasing the cases of myocardial infarctions in the course of the disease or after CVID-19 prejudice. With a higher risk of myocardial infarction in SARS-COV-2 infection are people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, patients with high cholesterol levels, already prejudiced myocardial infarction.
The best way patients with cardiovascular diseases to protect themselves from the negative effects of COVID-19 is by vaccination, incl. Placing a booster dose and compliance with general anti-epidemic measures. Vaccination reduces the likelihood of death and the need for hospitalization by between 80 and 95%!
More information on vaccination in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases can be found on the site [** https: // ( - Part of the "Plus I "The Ministry of Health for the benefits of vaccines and vaccination against COVID-19.
You can see all the material here
Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България
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